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Arthroscopic Equipment

The latest technologies and innovations bring together surgeons, operating staff, administration, and IT professionals for closer teamwork and more effective patient care. Arthrex introduces the globally recognized Synergy imaging system, a group of innovative products encompassing various surgical instruments and technologies for operating rooms.

Arthroscopic Implants

Modern medicine allows the restoration of damaged joint structures or parts thereof during arthroscopy, thus allowing patients to re-enjoy unrestricted freedom of movement.

Arthroscopic Instruments

The range of instruments offered by our partner Arthrex is of exceptional quality, sharpness, and durability.


Choose Arthrex, which has all the essential tools in one place for faster recovery after surgery, fractures, and degenerative joint diseases. Research has shown the effectiveness of growth factors in reducing inflammatory processes and pain, improving patient well-being and joint mobility.

Shoulder Prostheses

Our partner, Arthrex, is a long-term and successful clinical experience company that produces exceptional-quality shoulder replacement and fracture treatment products. One is the reverse total shoulder replacement recommended for rotator function impairment.


We offer to choose Arthrex, the world’s leading manufacturer of orthopedic medical devices, which has been successfully applying and developing its knowledge and experience in veterinary orthopedics and orthobiology for a decade.